2MRE - 2 flutes Micro Rib End Mills  

Endmills for Acryl, A.B.S, Aluminum, non-ferrous and
non-metallic materials.
Minimize chattering by short flute design.
Excellent tool rigidity by short flute design at high speed, feed
Reinforced edge design for preventing edge chipping.
Excellent wear resistance by applying ultra fine WC grade
Part Number Diameter DLength of cut L1Effective length L2Overall length LShank dia d Price
MTI-2MRE.002.005.S04 0.2 0.30.5404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.002.010.S04 0.2 0.31404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.002.015.S04 0.2 0.31.5404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.002.020.S04 0.2 0.32404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.003.010.S04 0.3 0.451404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.003.020.S04 0.3 0.452404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.003.030.S04 0.3 0.453404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.003.050.S04 0.3 0.455404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.004.020.S04 0.4 0.62404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.004.030.S04 0.4 0.63404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.004.040.S04 0.4 0.64404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.004.050.S04 0.4 0.65404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.004.060.S04 0.4 0.66404 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.005.020.S04 0.5 12454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.005.040.S04 0.5 14454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.005.060.S04 0.5 16454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.005.080.S04 0.5 18454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.005.100.S04 0.5 110454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.006.020.S04 0.6 1.22454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.006.040.S04 0.6 1.24454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.006.060.S04 0.6 1.26454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.006.080.S04 0.6 1.28454 ask a quote
Part Number Diameter DLength of cut L1Effective length L2Overall length LShank dia d Price
MTI-2MRE.006.100.S04 0.6 1.210454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.007.040.S04 0.7 1.44454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.007.060.S04 0.7 1.46454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.007.080.S04 0.7 1.48454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.007.100.S04 0.7 1.410454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.008.040.S04 0.8 1.64454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.008.060.S04 0.8 1.66454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.008.080.S04 0.8 1.68454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.008.100.S04 0.8 1.610454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.008.120.S04 0.8 1.612454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.009.060.S04 0.9 1.86454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.009.100.S04 0.9 1.810454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.009.120.S04 0.9 1.812454 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.060.S04 1 26504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.080.S04 1 28504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.100.S04 1 210504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.120.S04 1 212504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.160.S04 1 216504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.200.S04 1 220604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.010.250.S04 1 225604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.012.060.S04 1.2 2.46504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.012.080.S04 1.2 2.48504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.012.100.S04 1.2 2.410504 ask a quote
Part Number Diameter DLength of cut L1Effective length L2Overall length LShank dia d Price
MTI-2MRE.012.120.S04 1.2 2.412504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.012.160.S04 1.2 2.416504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.014.060.S04 1.4 2.86504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.014.100.S04 1.4 2.810504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.014.160.S04 1.4 2.816504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.060.S04 1.5 36504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.100.S04 1.5 310504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.140.S04 1.5 314504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.160.S04 1.5 316504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.200.S04 1.5 320604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.250.S04 1.5 325604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.015.300.S04 1.5 330704 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.016.060.S04 1.6 3.26504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.080.S04 2 48504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.100.S04 2 410504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.120.S04 2 412504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.140.S04 2 414504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.160.S04 2 416504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.180.S04 2 418504 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.200.S04 2 420604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.250.S04 2 425604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.300.S04 2 430704 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.020.350.S04 2 435804 ask a quote
Part Number Diameter DLength of cut L1Effective length L2Overall length LShank dia d Price
MTI-2MRE.020.400.S04 2 440804 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.025.120.S04 2.5 512604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.025.200.S04 2.5 520604 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.080.S06 3 68706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.120.S06 3 612706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.160.S06 3 616706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.200.S06 3 620706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.250.S06 3 625706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.300.S06 3 630806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.400.S06 3 640906 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.030.450.S06 3 645906 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.120.S06 4 812706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.160.S06 4 816706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.200.S06 4 820706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.250.S06 4 825706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.300.S06 4 830706 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.350.S06 4 835806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.400.S06 4 840806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.040.500.S06 4 8501006 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.050.160.S06 5 1016806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.050.250.S06 5 1025806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.050.350.S06 5 1035806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.060.250.S06 6 1225806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.060.350.S06 6 1235806 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.060.500.S06 6 12501206 ask a quote
MTI-2MRE.060.600.S06 6 12601206 ask a quote