Legal Informations

You are on the Elmec Carbide Tools website which forms part of the Elmec Precision Sarl. The following legal conditions apply to all visitors to this site. Please read them giving attention to the information below, which applies to all the pages on this website.

The content of the Elmec Carbide Tools website and pages therein are protected by the current laws applicable to intellectual property. It is forbidden to reproduce, represent, transfer, distribute or record all or part of these elements in whatever form without the prior written consent of Elmec Carbide Tools.

You can visit the Elmec Carbide Tools site without divulging personal details. Elmec Carbide Tools does not automatically record the personal details of people who visit their website, nor do they rely on the personal details of individuals which are automatically recorded by other means. No details are retained apart from those which are supplied to us in full consent.

We respect the confidentiality rights of our customers and observe the legal parameters regarding privacy of their information.
We will use information that you supply uniquely to process your orders for products, to inform you of promotional offers and to send you information which you require, such as current information relative to the products and their utilization. The internet site Elmec Carbide Tools and its contents are created conforming to the laws applicable in Switzerland. Elmec Carbide Tools is not responsible for any damage arising from viruses which could damage or render your IT equipment unusable, following a visit to our website, despite the security processes which have been put in place by Elmec Carbide Tools.

By supplying the elements that you have created or published on one of our servers, for example by e-mail or by visiting the pages on the wesbite, you accept the following conditions : a) you guarantee that the elements provided are not illegal or improper for publication; b) you ensure that all possible measures are taken to detect and eliminate all viruses and other contageous or destructive items prior to submitting any information. Elmec Carbide Tools will not be held liable in any form to any person, physically or morally to pay any damages directly or indirectly, or in any other form, for use of this internet site, Elmec Carbide Tools will not be held responsible for any form of loss of profit, interruption to business, loss of program or information, even if Elmec Carbide Tools was directly informed of the possibility of such damage.